Sweet Dreams Ritual
Wind down from the day, soothing tension and stresses - We wish you sweet dreams.
This Ritual includes:
50g Soothe Tisane
5ml Deep Peace Essential Oil Synergy
Organic Lavender and Hemp Eye Pillow
A Sweet Dreams Ritual PDF (an email will be sent with a download link).
Tip: Ensure you use a loving touch to apply the Synthesis products. Breathe deeply throughout, absorbing the restoring aromatherapy and Energy Imbuement benefits of your products, and bringing balance to your whole being.
Step 1 – Tisane (Herbal Tea)
Sip on a soothing blend of organic herbs as you wind down from the day.
Step 2 – Essential Oil Synergy
Apply a few drops of Relax Essential Oil Synergy to your diffuser or directly onto your bedding, lay back, close your eyes and breathe in the aroma.
Step 3 –Eye Pillow
Cover your eyes with the Synthesis energy imbued Organic Lavender Eye Pillow as you drift off to sleep or into a deep meditation.